Through the association, we look for a congregation space with those who had and share dreams and ideals and an environment conducive to pouring out our skills and purposes, while fulfilling our social responsibility to improve the conditions of our community and in our case, the related to higher education; in particular those of the students, teachers and other members of the Faculty of Commerce, Administration and Social Sciences, of which we are graduates.

We also seek to fulfill the social function of financially supporting students to continue pursuing their university career and provide funds for those students who completed their degree can obtain their professional title in the Faculty of Commerce, Administration and Social Sciences and thus , Can achieve better employment opportunities or become more prepared entrepreneurs, which, in turn, will boost the cultural and economic development of our local community.

If you would like to share with us, or feel that you have something to contribute to our community, do not hesitate to contact us and you can start now.

Our Services


Support the aspirations of students whose socioeconomic status is precarious or insufficient to achieve their academic training

Support with financial funds so that FCACS graduates can obtain their university degrees and thus achieve better opportunities

Job Opportunities

Enter the labor market is not easy and get engaged employees either. In EXAUAT we connect you with the right person


We provide a space for congregation with whom we had and share dreams and ideals in our university career

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